Tuesday, July 24, 2007

My fight with my mother

So I woke up the other day and realized I had got in a fight with my mom while I was sleeping. One of those dreams that on one level is so real you wake up angry, and yet you still have some grip on, "hey idiot, you are asleep."

Global Warming. Thats what we fought about. Thats right, I had a debate and argument with my mother while I slept. I know what sparked it. Apparently some guy decided he was going to swim at the North Pole (see link) to bring light to the fact that the worlds "biodiversity" is changing. I can't decide what to think about this guy. Clever, but ....something....

Anyways, one specific thing I can remember saying to my mom is this -

"Christians spend thier lives trying to make the world a perfect place. It is stupid, and a waste of time."

I woke up and I am not really sure how I feel about that.

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