Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Starting a blog/Odds

So as I assume most people that are stubborn and finally decide to start a blog -thereby opening thoughts/good and bad ideas/spelling and gramatical errors/etc to the cyber world, struggle with the same thing that I did today. Namely two decisions - what do I title my blog? and what do I write for the first post? After kicking around ideas such as, "I give it a meh," "Heart and Ass," "All or nothing," "Wonderbread, homework, and pornography," "Floating a balloon," "Drews News," I came to a few conclusions. 1. The majority of those names are lost on the fact that most people don't know the story of my Grandfather when he looked at me and said, "You are all heart....and ass..." Which falls into the bigger spectrum of inside jokes or stories. That also narrows out things that I say all the time, hence "meh" and "floating a balloon (giving someone an idea or proposition and letting them decide what happens), were lost. Of course most of what I say is blatently stolen, and then misspelled. 2. "Drews News" is a dumb idea. 3. "All or Nothing" sounds like I am starting a blog for people that are into sports way to much, even though it is the statement that defines most of the decisions I make on a daily basis. For the record, its not that wise of a way to make decisions. 4. Almost all of the ideas I could come up with were no good - either to cocky, stupid, trying to hard, stolen, or just plain uninteresting.

So, Sparrows and Rags is what you get. Why? It is what I was going to call a website a friend of mine was working on for me. There is more to that, but it doesn't really matter right now.

As for the second problem - What to write? Obviously I opted to write the cliche "What Do you call your Blog and what do you say?" entry. To be honest I thought about starting it in other ways, my favorite being something along the lines of, "My name is Drew Cowles, and if you are reading this my crew and I have been lost in space," but yea...no...

Most of what I was going to write was actually dictated by fear. What would people read? What would people think? So I thought about it and here is how I think it breaks down -

91% - "Yea...idiot..." - this includes my brother and sister if they read this, Dave Ryan, Dave Rowe, Ethan Brand, and Blake Gillespie, and all other relatives that can find it.

6% - "I just dont care" - well then I just dont care about you. So take that

Notice I just assumed that 91 percent of people care.

2% - Cant actually find this site. That would be my mother and father.

1% - Ryan Burns - Honestly who knows what Ryan will think? He inspired me to do it, and he and Ray took me to a lot of unhealthy but oh so tastey lunches, so I owe it to him.

In reading this I do realize how self consumed it is. It is a blog, and right now I just dont feel like writing about the homeless guy I saw that was digging through trashcans in the alley a few days ago.



Tonight I lost 20 dollars. And 5 yesturday. The quick rundown is that I lost to Dave in pingpong for 5 dollars, tried to win it back, and then bet him 10 on the next game which of course I miserably laid down and died on. Then Dave decided to let me win back the 20 bucks or lose 5 more in a game of 1 on 1 basketball. I should have just paid him the 20, and saved the 5 dollars of pride. He spotted me 7 points in a game to 11. I lost 10-12. As if that wasnt bad enough- being that I am broke- it was infront of my brother ( an allstar district winner) and Kruse (a natural born athelete).

None of this really has to do with odds, but then again it kind of does. Taking a step back in the story we would find Dave playing Kruse in pingpong, and me drinking a bottle of water. I then decided I could bet Dave that I could throw the bottle of water in the trashcan and Kruse said something that peaked my interest.

"Drew the odds are in your favor, if you make it you owe him nothing, if you miss it you only owe him 5 more dollars."

Well this was bad logic, seeing as that was not what Dave was going to agree to, and that it made no sense. How could the odds be with me on that? And here came a flash of idiotic brilliance that shaped my future.

All things in life are 50/50 odds.

Will Drew make the water bottle in the basket - Well wind factor (in a garage?), how much water is in the bottle, size of bottle, Drew's skill level at throwing plastic material, Dave is in the way and will most likely hit it, the need to bounce it off of the pingpoing tabe, etc. None of that matters.

Either I will or I wont make the shot. This is where Kierkagaard would say "And you will regret both"

Other examples that have effected plenty of people that I know - getting hit by lightening - 50/50, getting to have cereal for breakfast - 50/50, believing and or being able to mathematically prove all of this wrong - 50/50, laughing at this or realizing that I am right - 50/50, leprosy - 50/50.

All of these things will or will not happen. Does that fall under "odds" who knows, but it surely is.....dont say it ....odd....



Mr. Burns said...

ARE YOU KIDDING!?!?! A free ticket into the head of Drew Co(silent w)les. Dude, this deserves a piccola's pizza party... I'm feelin a 3 slicer coming on.

Also, since we all know I'm a nerd... I voted in my head for "drew's news" But you probably already knew that.

Oh, and take off the stupid "no anonymous comments" crap. You're basically making people get gmail accounts to heckle you...

Jen said...

Jen's thoughts:
Drew has a blog.
Drew is a funny and fascinating person.
Ergo, Sparrows and Rags gets added to the list of 'blogs to peruse when procrastinating.'



Anonymous said...

thats better! Thanks...

Oh, and write something!

Anonymous said...

I tried to comment before but couldn't remember my google password... that being said, i guess its official. the burns' are nerds. i too voted for 'drew's news' in my head. there MAY have been an out loud giggle as well...