Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Job and Harry.

In that order here is how the day went -

So as it turns out, the one and only Ryan Burns has hooked me up with a job. His first sales pitch went like this - "Hey cowles, I might have a job for you. It isnt very stable, doesnt pay very much, is pretty boring, and it is really far away from campus." Of course I was immediatly drawn to the job - who wouldnt be?

But wait, a job - a 9 to 5 in four feet away from Ryan Burns, soon to be The Ryan Burns. (Also a pizza comming to Bottoms up - Mushrooms, Pepperonni, Sausage, Garlic on white sauce)

Needless to say after pulling some strings, I got hooked up with a job that is flexible - I get to work from home sometimes, pays a good amount, and is a huge blessing in my life.

Many stories to come from that. I promise.


Harry was sitting on his two packs with his back up against the Life Sciences building when I saw him today. His bright blue writing on the classic cardboard medium caught my eye, as well as my wallet. "Traveling broke and ugly," is pretty much going to grab me every day of the week. To be honest it was just a beautiful sight - here is a 20 year old kid with dirty brown hair, one straight jedi lock in the back, his arms blackened by a long and honest summer, sitting there in his Nike Air Force Ones, with his two faithful dogs. Ray and I began to talk to him about where he had been and where he was going. As he started to list off an impressive cornucopia (great word by the way, hard to spell, but it is a word that clearly should be describing a medical term and ended up meaning "abundance") of cities I started to think to myself, "Ok either he is cracked out, or a liar. There is no way that he did this in one summer." Then Ray asked the eye opening question - "Harry how long have you done this for?"

Three years.

Harry has been catching freight trains around the country for three years of his teen and adult life. Maybe that doesnt hit you the way it does me, but I have not been as taken back by anything like this since I met Mac over a year ago.

Oh, and Harry said he was headed out to Oregon next to "visit some friends." Hmmm, and how might he stay in conctact with his friends - by the way he guessed there were about 1000 people just like him currently, and "there are about 8 kids in richmond right now" -

well since most people dont read blogs standing up I wont ask you to sit down, but here goes - Myspace. MYSPACE hahahah that is the greatest thing I have heard in a long long time.

Me - "Ray it is really dangerous to talk to people like that..."

Ray - "Oh yea? Other than the obvious, what is so appealing to you about his life?"

Me - "The obvious."


Bed time now, because I need to get up and dress "buisness casual" tomorrow.



Mr. Burns said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Mr. Burns said...

As your new boss, I feel the need to correct a few things:

1. The pizza is Pepperoni, Mushroom, CHICKEN, and garlic (no sausage... pay attention).

2. I've never called you "Cowles." I surely said "hey Drew..." and if I was ever to call you "Cowles" I would surely do it as a joke and I would call you "Coles"

3. As a VitalKey employee, you totally missed the opportunity to plug the greatness of the VitalKey and to direct all your legion of followers to

Ok, I'm leaving soon to come get you for work... that's right folks... I have to give him a ride to work.

Jen said...

did you really post that comment at 4:29 am? do you have to get up at 4 am to go to work?? i surely hope not.

Anonymous said...

no... did you post at 10:20 pm? Maybe mr cowles needs to reset the clock on this blog.

Anonymous said...

that one above was at 8:37 a.m.