Tuesday, August 21, 2007

this AND that

I have no idea what that title is about, but I decided that because a few of the people that find themselves unfortunate enough to have the time to read this really hate run on sentences that I think I could create one that went on for quite some time if that is in fact what the "general" and by that I really mean "specific" public demands.

Hows that.

Ok so inside (with a blog I am not really sure if there is something called inside) jokes aside. I have spent a few weeks recently in Ukraine, and rather than trying to catch everyone up on the broad outline of the trip, here is another blog that will do just that - www.ukrainehopecenter4.blogspot.com

In other news - I am currently abusing the fact that my place has wireless. I dont think that whoever invented this thought, "Wow, one day some slob will be laying in bed writing a blog," but even if he or she thought that, I hope they never thought, "Wow, one day some slob will be laying in bed writing a blog, meanwhile talking to his friend dave whose room is right above him." God bless wireless.

This post had some more things, but got deleted and destroyed because of a world wide web screw up....so ....meh....


Mr. Burns said...

Drew Cowles starts work tomorrow is a good day for me at VitalKey.

Jen said...

Yay, he's back!

Good work on the horrendous run-on.