Thursday, August 30, 2007

Street Corner Health Thoughts

So today I was standing on the street corner waiting to go to work, and I came to two realizations. Well one was a realization that happened in my kitchen , and the other was more of just a thought. But "two realizations on the corner of Robinson and Cary street" just sounds a lot better.

Number one - My mother and father are people in need of great thanks. Trying to pack my lunch - a whopping pbj with a bag of chips and some water, and making breakfast - a whopping English muffin with honey, was no easy task. You have to make sure you time it all right. The toaster has to be set just right to get the English muffin hot enough to crisp the thin half and perfect the fat side, both of which will need butter (which of course is too hard because it has been in the fridge). To tell the truth I ended up using 3 knives. I could have got away with using one, but I was juggling things and rather incoherent and the next thing I knew my sink has 3 knives - butter, jelly/pb, and the one I used to cut the English muffin in half. Sad. I know. So yea, Mom and Pops - you are more than I deserve.

Number two - As I am enjoying the aforementioned English muffin (which is not easy to abbreviate, because EM just sounds strange), I think to myself - "Man, I need to have a thought to blog about. Oh, here comes one. I am eating a TON of bread. If I keep eating this much bread I am on track to die. ("Drew everyone dies" - To anyone that was thinking anything like that or "We all gotta go some day" your right, but you can take your blog ruining self to youtube or something)" As I am thinking this, quite content that I have a sentence or a least some hint of a blog idea, God saw it fitting to make me laugh.

A bus. A big fat one like a beetle crawling back to a stump, or whatever home it lives in. That home happens to be located across the street from my place, a never ending source of sound to sleep and wake up to, and then beg God to let you go back to sleep to.

Anyways, in the middle of this big fat Beetle Bus there was a sign that read, "NATIONAL STROKE MONTH." In my mind it read, "NATIONAL STROKE MONTH!" I gave my English muffin a good look and kept reading. "The signs of stroke are noticable because they happen fast, " is what I am pretty sure I saw, but I was distracted by the huge freaking paragraph of things that had to look out for below it. Oh ok I will be sure to look for the following - chest pain, temperature, pulse, the sun, eating fatty foods, being out of shape, being American, standing on a street corner, wearing boat shoes, etc. The list went on for miles. Before I could even really begin to read anything the Beetle Bus scooted off .


Me - Man I have this song stuck in my head.

Mr. Burns - Please. Please do not sing it.

Me- O yea?

Mr. Burns - Yea man I have been very susceptible to songs being stuck in my head recently. ( I kid you not thats what he said)

Me after thinking for a second - Ha le lu ha le lu ha la lu ya....PRAISE YEA THE LORD

Mr. Burns - Is that seriously the song you had in your head?

Me realizing that he hated me and I wasnt really very sorry for it (shown by the fact that I was just laughing at him) - Yea

Mr Burns - Thats just rude.



drew cowles said...

just a note - overlook the spelling. always

Anonymous said...

The following songs have been stuck in my head recently... so much so, that they are often in there when I go to sleep and when I wake up:

This one


This one thanks to THIS sparrows and rags post.

A Living Epistle said...

jen's blog led me to your blog..and I must say... I can't stop laughing that ryan listens to that "beautiful girl" song.

when I first heard it on the radio I couldnt help but die laughing and force ashley/leslie to listen to it everytime its on the radio- bwaha..

:)- your posts are fun!

Anonymous said...

For the record, just because I've heard a song doesn't mean I "listen" to the song.

Good beat, good voice... words are retarded as they come.

"It was back in '99 I went away for doin my first crime."

Sorry, you're 17 years old... so, you went to jail as a 9 year old? Then, you're going to kill yourself if a pretty girl breaks up with you... sheesh... get out of my head with you're catchy hook.